Nursing care for people living with HIV/AIDS: reflection in the light of self-care theory




HIV, Self Care, Nursing Theory


Objective: To analyze the scientificevidence of how the Self-Care Theorycanbeused in nursing care for patientswith HIV/AIDS. Method:Integrativeliterature review carried out between August and September 2022 using the Virtual Health Library (VHL) / Regional Library of Medicine (BIREME) and MEDLINE/PUBMED using the descriptors: Self-Care; HIV (HIV) and Nursing Theory. Tenarticleswereselected for the review, throughsearchescarried out in a timelessinterval. Results: The theory of self-care enablesan analysis of the constructionorchange of a reality for the patientwith HIV/AIDS, whosepurpose is to apprehendattitudes of practicesthatprovideautonomy and promote a healthyrelationshipwith the other, social and with the quite. Conclusion: The theory of self-care providestheoreticalsupport, providing nurses withqualified care thatmeets the individual needs of patientswith HIV/AIDS.

Author Biographies

João Felipe Tinto Silva

Nurse. Postgraduate student in Nursing in an Intensive Care Unit at Universidade Estácio de Sá (UNESA) and Nursing in Public Health with Emphasis on Health Surveillance by DNA Postgraduate (DNA).

Victória Maria Pontes Martins

Nursing student at the INTA University Center (UNINTA).

Victor Guilherme Pereira da Silva Marques

Graduating in Nursing at the University Center of Piauí (UNIFAPI).

Nanielle Silva Barbosa

Nurse at the State University of Piauí (UESPI). Master's student in Nursing at the Federal University of Piauí (UFPI).

Kayron Rodrigo Ferreira Cunha

Nurse at the State University of Piauí (UESPI). Multiprofessional Residency in Primary Care / Family Health at the Federal University of Piauí (UFPI).

Kaline Oliveira de Sousa

Nursing student at the Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG).

Aline Alves da Silva

Nurse at the University Center of the Federal District (UDF).

Benedito Medeiros da Silva Neto

Nurse at the State University of Maranhão (UEMA). Nurse at the Hospital das Clínicas of the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR).

Jackeline Ruth Rodrigues da Silva

Nurse at Faculdade Unida de Campinas (FacUnicamps).

Marks Passos Santos

Nurse. Master in Nursing from the University of Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusophony (UNILAB). Professor at Faculdade Ages de Jacobina (AGES).



How to Cite

Tinto Silva, J. F., Pontes Martins, V. M., Pereira da Silva Marques, V. G., Silva Barbosa, N., Ferreira Cunha, K. R., Oliveira de Sousa, K., Alves da Silva, A., Medeiros da Silva Neto, B., Rodrigues da Silva, J. R., & Passos Santos, M. (2022). Nursing care for people living with HIV/AIDS: reflection in the light of self-care theory. Nursing Edição Brasileira, 25(294), 8940–8953.



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