The importance of the technical and scientific knowledge of the nurse in the tracheal intubation procedure




Nursing, Orotracheal intubation, Continuing background, Accute breathing insufficiency


Objective: To identify the degree of technical and scientific knowledge of nurses in the tracheal intubation procedure. Method: descriptive-exploratory and quantitative field research, having identified, through the result of a questionnaire applied to 23 nursing professionals, in a General Hospital of the Paraíba Valley, the degree of technical and scientific knowledge about the tracheal intubation procedure. Data were collected in September and October 2021. Results: nursing participates and plays an important role in the intubation procedure, from diagnoses to continuous evaluation of the main signs and symptoms, establishing a care plan, interventions and activities that will allow providing the best patient care. Conclusion: The knowledge of nurses during the traquel intubation procedure is extremely important, aiming at the quality of care, and patient safety.

Author Biographies

Samira Rodrigo dos Santos Silva

Nurse. Professor, Graduate in Nursing and Pedagogy, University of Taubaté. Taubaté/SP, Brazil. Specialist in Nursing in Surgical Center and Inclusive Education.

Maria Luiza Mendonça Azevedo

Nurse. Professor, Graduate in Nursing, University of Taubaté. Taubaté/SP, Brazil. Master in Education.

Gabriela de Amorim Ferreira Antonio

Nurse. Professor, Graduate in Nursing, University of Taubaté. Taubaté/SP, Brazil. Degree in Nursing, Specialization in Family Health, Educational Supervision and Guidance, Occupational Nursing, Institutional and Clinical Psychopedagogy.

Paula Renata França

Professor, Undergraduate Nursing Unifatea. Lorraine / SP. Postgraduate Teaching in Nursing, Work Nursing, Public Health with emphasis on Family Health Strategy.

Fernanda Vitoriano Fernandes

Nursing student at Escola Superior de Cruzeiro. Cruzeiro/SP, Brazil.

Jefferson dos Santos Paula

Graduating in Nursing at Escola Superior de Cruzeiro. Cruzeiro/SP, Brazil.



How to Cite

dos Santos Silva, S. R., Mendonça Azevedo, M. L., de Amorim Ferreira Antonio, G., França, P. R., Vitoriano Fernandes, F., & dos Santos Paula, J. (2022). The importance of the technical and scientific knowledge of the nurse in the tracheal intubation procedure. Nursing Edição Brasileira, 25(290), 8059–8068.



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